Friday, April 8, 2011

Lesson Plan Overview

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand that sound waves create vibrations, and that these vibrations can create enough force to produce movement. The lesson will begin by the showing of a video of an avalanche. The teacher will explain that avalanche’s can be caused by sound waves if the vibrations are forceful enough. This will get the students’ attention and get them ready for the lesson. The teacher will give the definition of a sound wave and give examples. Other resources may be used to ensure that each student understands. The teacher will then introduce the activity. With the help of the teacher, each student will create a sound gun. Afterwards, the students will get into groups and discuss why this activity works. There will then be a class discussion. In order to assess each students’ individual understanding, the teacher will give the instruction for the students to write a few sentences about the activity and why it worked. Based on these, further assistance to students will be given if needed.

Lesson Plan

Concept Map:

"Let's Make a Sound Gun" video